Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Overcome the Long Tail

Startups are difficult. Getting your feet off the ground with little funding and backing for a new project presents itslef with many challenges. Can my company survive longer than a couple of weeks on my limited funding? How do I get others to appreciate the work I do? How can I compete with corporations that have seemingly unlimited funding?

A fanbase.

In Kevin Kelly's piece "1,000 True Fans," Kelly discusses the challenges that come with a new company competing with corporations. The "Long Tail" phenomenon lies at the center of these concerns: the idea that companies cannot survive without popularity. A company needs customers to promote their products (or in the media's case, an audience that will buy and support their content) so they can earn an income to continue making content. The best solution offered by Kelly: harboring 1,000 true fans. 

Kelly defines a true fan as "someone who will purchase anything and everything you produce. They will drive 200 miles to see you sing. ... They can’t wait till you issue your next work. They are true fans." True fans will provide free and enthusiastic advertising, full support — but only if they are given a reason to do so. Being kind to fans in the beginning is a critical step for any startup. Gaining trust in a group that financially supports will help your company climb the Long Tail quickly and efficiently. After all, without fans and content supporters, who can you hope the content is reaching?

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