Rookie is a fashion and feminist magazine founded by Tavi Gevinson, which spurred from a blog she began at the age of 11. Each month's content has a different theme — this month is "Cast of Characters," or identity — covering issues revolving around relationships, school, fashion and more. Rookie also publishes lighthearted comics each month. Regardless of the type of content covered, each piece takes a feminist angle. Rookie aims to empower young girls as most of the content is written by teens for teens.
In an interview with CNN, Gevinson explained the lack of representation of women in mainstream media. Because of this gap in coverage, Rookie was born. Aside from appealing only to white women, the publication is inclusive of all gender identities and races, displaying strong intersectional themes. Few — if any — mainstream publications are cognizant of women's struggles in society, and providing women a safe space in media is one of the main appeals to the magazine.
Despite the positives, Rookie does not have many resources for funding. There are no ads on the website, and the only source for revenue comes from the shop. Gevinson's store sells yearbooks annually, which act as a full roundup of the stories published throughout the year, and it sells T-shirts. Each book goes for about $30 each, and each shirt for about $20. With little funding, this may be a problem for Rookie in the future; however, with the magazine's open-mind to submissions, perhaps freelance work will help keep the publication financially stable. Combined with national coverage from several news outlets and recognition from famous celebrities, Rookie seems to be in good condition.
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